
Showing posts from October, 2024

Fundamental Values

Don't let politics ruin good things.  With the Presidential election just two weeks away, this is especially salient advice.  Over the years, I've lost many friends due to ideological differences. Many of my right-of-center friends have also encountered this.  I refuse, however, to give into toxic polarization; if we let trivial political differences fracture good relationships, we will, ultimately, come apart as a country.  Remember: we have, in some capacity, always been politically pluralistic. The Jeffersonians and the Hamiltonians; Whigs and Democrats; Democrats and Republicans; libertarian-oriented Republicans and their paleo-conservative counterparts. I can go on and on...  One's own politics - which, if you are anything like me, are constantly evolving - should be of little import. There is only one thing that we should take into consideration when it comes to relationships: fundamental values.  Earlier today, I read a beautiful piece by David Spereall in BBC .  He