
A Bipartisan Effort to Ameliorate Loneliness in the Elderly

  I was never much of a fan of Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), who I always saw as a Paul Ryan-like, neoliberal politician. He was, for example, adamant about sunsetting Social Security , a wildly unpopular policy proposal that he later rescinded amid bipartisan blowback.  For all intents and purposes, Scott's record, both during his time as Florida's Governor and Senator, is cookie-cutter GOP establishmentarian.  That said, sometimes people surprise you.  Scott, in partnership with Senator Tina Smith (D-MN), reintroduced the  Social Engagement and Network Initiatives for Older Relief (SENIOR) Act , a bill that was endorsed by the Foundation for Social Connection, earlier this month. According to a press release , the bill would: Promote programs that combat loneliness and support community integration for seniors by adding “loneliness” to the definition of “disease prevention and health promotion services” under the Older Americans Act. Direct the Secretary of Hea...

Trump's Surgeon General Must Continue the Fight Against Loneliness

  The office of the U.S. Surgeon General is now vacant .  Dr. Vivek Murthy - who served under Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden - has left his post as Surgeon General.  His time there, however, has been hugely consequential.  Murthy's leadership and passion for the job will be hard to match.  Through his and his team's research - especially the now famous 2023 report declaring a national loneliness epidemic - Murthy has reminded the American people of the importance of social connection. Many of you will remember this line from the aforementioned report: "The mortality impact of being socially disconnected is similar to that caused by smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day..." To my surprise, even lay people, who are largely disconnected from politics, recall something about this. This report unleashed an avalanche of articles on the subject of loneliness and social isolation. While I started writing about communitarianism and civil society in 202...

Can Coffee Shops Save America?

  I have written before about the communitarian nature of coffee shops, but the salience of these little civic places bears repeating.  Cafes are, in many ways, community hubs that are integral to the robustness of civil society.  In my neighborhood, there is a cafe practically on every block. Some are, of course, more vibrant than others. While I can think of a few shops that are rather sterile and lacking in adequate seating, others are often crowded and bustling with conversation.  In Front Porch Republic - a publication that is easily becoming one of my favorites - Dennis Uhlman writes about the liveliness of his local coffee shop in Columbia, South Carolina: Baptist pastors, Presbyterian pastors, engineering students, and art students learn each other’s names in a way that would be unlikely in any other sort of social arrangement. Cafes, much like the one that Uhlman frequents, are third places. These are - as defined by Ray Oldenburg, who coined the term - i...

Safe Communities Are Healthy Communities

People, before they can participate in civic life, must first feel safe.  In high-crime municipalities, citizens often do not have the leisure of becoming more engaged in their communities. Rather, they focus on survival.  Robert Steuteville, in an article for Public Square , writes that "people don’t linger in places where their hair stands on the back of their necks." One's environment must be conducive to civil society. For the article, he interviewed urban planner Ray Gindroz who remarked that "...if people feel lost or trapped within a public space, unable to see or find a quick way out, they will avoid it." I recently read Evicted by Matthew Desmond, a powerful book that follows the lives of poverty-stricken tenants in Milwaukee. The families that Desmond follows are simply in no position to think about joining book clubs or political campaigns; they are bogged down by, what my old NYU professor used to call, "the burden of necessity."  That is...

Tales From My Grandfather: 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge

Both of my grandfathers fought in the Second World War, entering combat in 1944 and staying in Europe throughout the duration of the War in Europe and its aftermath. Both resided from small towns in lakes area, rural Minnesota. My maternal grandfather fought in the 94th Infantry Division, and my paternal grandfather fought in the 10th Armored Division. Both belonged to General George S. Patton's Third Army, the same Third Army that exists to this day and my unit was under nearly six and a half decades later. One grandfather told many stories of the War, but his eyes closed about nine months before mine opened, so those stories have traveled through my father. And the grandfather I did know well never told stories of the War to his family, except to his two grandsons (myself included) who fought in the Global War on Terror era. There are many stories I could tell that have traveled through my father to me about Ernest M. Olson , Combat Command B (CCB), 10th Armored Division .  This...

Brain Rot: An Unfortunate Word of the Year

The 2024 Oxford Word of the Year is “brain rot.” It is defined as “the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state, especially viewed as the result of overconsumption of material (now particularly online content) considered to be trivial or unchallenging. Also: something characterized as likely to lead to such deterioration.” Although this term is meant as a humorous commentary on excessive technology use and hints at its potential harms, the definition itself is incorrect—or at best, incomplete. Brain rot is not just “supposed,” it’s real, and it’s harmful, especially for minors whose brains are still developing.  Several studies have shown that certain kinds of technology use negatively affect the brain, particularly in minors. One study found that frequent use of mobile devices “may displace their opportunities for learning emotion-regulation strategies over time,” meaning that kids do not develop healthy ways to deal with stress and adversity. Another fou...

Education by Numbers

  The human soul is inimitable; Artificial Intelligence, while wildly impressive, will always fall short. We individual beings are idiosyncratic in a way that is incomputable to machines.  Many, however, fail to appreciate this indisputable fact and look at humans, not as God's inexplicable creations, but as product-maximizing homo-economici : faceless units whose value is measured by their outputs.   Schools, in particular, are overly output-driven. In an article for First Things , S. A. Dance writes that education is "a spiritual pursuit." The spirit is not quantifiable, but rather, something that is cultivated through leisure. Leisure, Dance recognizes, has become something of a pejorative. Today, leisureliness is seen as indolence.  Dance and others, however, see leisure as a meditative and reflective practice. A school's goal, he writes, ought to be to "refine our capacities to think rationally, contemplate reality, appreciate beauty, and feel gratitude....

Disrupting Isolation

  Breaking old habits is hard.   I say that because most of us city-dwellers are in the nasty habit of insulating ourselves from our neighbors and communities. As I wrote for National Review a few months ago, "When we walk down the street, we turn off our peripheral vision and focus only on the destination, never the journey." We have become overly-utilitarian, socially-averse and stuck in rigid routines.  I always feel the need to admit: I, too, have insulated myself. I could be far more involved in my community. I could learn more of my neighbor's names. I need to do better. We all do.  Some, recognizing that a life of atomization and loneliness is fundamentally unhealthy, have taken the plunge into community engagement.  In Front Porch Republic , Dennis Uhlman writes about a chili cook-off that he spearheaded in his new South Carolina neighborhood. From the article: By late afternoon, to my surprise, a steady stream of neighbors started to show up. ...

Why I Support a No-Recline Policy on Airplanes

  We are not wholly-individualized beings living in our own orbit; our actions can have negative externalities for those around us.  In a new survey conducted by The Harris Poll , a shocking 41% of Americans said that they supported a ban on reclining seats on airplanes.  I am, proudly, one of the 41%.  Seat-reclination does not happen in a vacuum. It was, in fact, Kamala Harris who in 2023 remarked that "None of us just live in a silo. Everything is in context."  (Read my post about "coconut-conservatism" here .) So, being that we live in a context and are not, as Amitai Etzioni would say , "individual, free-standing agents," why do we care so little for our fellow travelers?  I, being a 6 ft 3 in male, have a special disdain for airplane seat reclination. It is already a tight squeeze in there; to have the person in front of you recline their seat can make sitting comfortably nearly impossible.  I recall one particularly awful flight from Arizona t...

How Do You Dress?

  You'll find varying degrees of dress - or dressiness, if you like - on the political Right.  Claremont fellow, Michael Anton, I am told, is a fastidious dresser. This is evidenced, not just by anecdotes I've heard from colleagues, but by pictures of the man himself. He looks more a member of the Dave Brubeck Quartet, than a conservative academic.  Similarly, Roger Stone, a beyond-eccentric fellow, with his rather unsettling back tattoo of Richard Nixon, has always been something of a men's fashion influencer. His - what looks to be defunct - fashion blog, Stone on Style , used to feature an annual "Best and Worst Dressed" list, wherein Stone, with what appears to be a well-trained eye for classy dress, celebrates and lambastes the looks of contemporary stars and television personalities.  Some on the Right, however, prefer a more relaxed, or rather, shabby look. I was intrigued by one of Jude Russo's blog posts for The Lamp titled New Pants. In it, Russo ...

Do You Believe in Life After the Election?

  We can't let this election - or any subsequent elections, for that matter - tear us apart.  Our great nation has endured for nearly 250 years, and we will endure past this election, whether Trump or Kamala wins.  Don't fall for the hyperbole that "democracy is on the ballot," That is utter nonsense.  Everyone take a deep breath.  I am, however, very much concerned by the unwillingness of people with disparate ideological perspectives to converse civilly with each other. Political division can, sadly, be our country's death knell. But only if we let it... We must make a concerted effort to see the humanity in everyone, from the MAGA hat-wearing Trumper, to the pro-Kamala, liberal Democrat. Even the Zionist waving the flag of Israel must, at some point, see the good in the student protestor donning her watermelon pin and keffiyeh.  All of this may seem radical, utopian, and naive, but I don't care. If we cannot treat each other with love and grace, we will ...

Fundamental Values

Don't let politics ruin good things.  With the Presidential election just two weeks away, this is especially salient advice.  Over the years, I've lost many friends due to ideological differences. Many of my right-of-center friends have also encountered this.  I refuse, however, to give into toxic polarization; if we let trivial political differences fracture good relationships, we will, ultimately, come apart as a country.  Remember: we have, in some capacity, always been politically pluralistic. The Jeffersonians and the Hamiltonians; Whigs and Democrats; Democrats and Republicans; libertarian-oriented Republicans and their paleo-conservative counterparts. I can go on and on...  One's own politics - which, if you are anything like me, are constantly evolving - should be of little import. There is only one thing that we should take into consideration when it comes to relationships: fundamental values.  Earlier today, I read a beautiful piece by David Sper...

The Need for High-Quality Public Spaces

  The importance of robust public spaces cannot be overstated.  I've always believed that the quest for social connection was, first and foremost, something that had to come about through a sort of internal spiritual awakening. That is, a collective understanding that we can not go it alone as purely self-maximizing individuals; we need each other. While I still believe that to be true, I do think that, in the past, I've downplayed the vital role of external environment and the affects it can have on us as social creatures.  People-friendly spaces, as opposed to sterile spaces devoid of engaging amenities, can facilitate social connection and much-needed weak-tie relationships .  It's pretty intuitive, actually: if people are not physically around each other, their prospects for social connection are not very good.  Public places in and of themselves, however, are not enough to combat our current plague of social atomization.  As Shawn McCaney writes for Go...

The Appeal of Neo-Luddism

  I, like you, have a smartphone. Sometimes, though, I wish I didn't.  Up until my sophomore year of college, I used a Verizon Octane, a neat little flip-phone with a horizontal keyboard.  Verizon Octane Being a student in 2016, however, required me to use certain apps which I was unable to access on my clunky dumb-phone. So, out of necessity, I caved and purchased an iPhone SE. I was soon addicted. I downloaded every app from Instagram and Facebook, to games like Plants v. Zombies and The Sims. I have, like so many other people my age, become tethered to my phone.  But not everyone has capitulated. In an article for The Lamp , a thoughtful Catholic publication, Peter Tonguette describes himself as a "proud, almost-exclusive user of landline phone-service." It is mystifying to think that, in 2024, people can function without a smartphone. Peter doesn't disdain our contemporary smartphone culture; he just finds no need to abandon what is tried and true: the ole landl...

Loneliness v. Solitude

  It is important that we do not conflate loneliness and solitude; while the former connotes a sense of yearning and discontent, the latter describes a much-needed time of introspection and recombobulation.  A good communitarian will strike a healthy balance between extroversion and self-reflection. Without ample time to engage in solitude, we deprive ourselves of essential cognitive development. Before we express our outward-facing selves to others in the realm of civil society, we must first work to better understand and enhance our inner-beings. While the practice of solitude may seem simplistic, it can actually be quite arduous, requiring the self to, at times, drift into boredom and embrace that boredom as a naturally-occurring and integral component of being happily alone.  Sherry Turkle - in her important book, Reclaiming Conversation - writes that, "children can't develop the capacity for solitude if they don't have the experience of being 'bored' and then...