Can Growing Associational Membership Be a Bad Thing for Liberal Democracy?
Antifa, a violent network of left-wing agitators, is back at it again. On Sunday April 24th, a small cadre of antifa members physically assaulted peaceful anti-drag time story hour protestors outside a pizza joint in Fort Worth, Texas. In a surveillance video recording, Samuel Fowlkes, a member of the domestic terrorist organization, is seen pepper spraying the peaceful protestors. Other antifa activists brandished firearms. Ultimately, Fowlkes and two other antifa militants were detained and subsequently arrested by Fort Worth police. This got me thinking: Antifa, though obviously deranged, is still an example of civic associationism, no? These young and troubled people are engaged in group activity. And antifa and other fringe political organizations form their own activist communities, wherein they socialize, communicate with one another, and establish norms of trust and reciprocity. And while I and other self-proclaimed Tocquevilleans extol the virtues of civic engagement and